
Results of the 2019 Kangaroo Tests

6 May, 2019

In the current edition of the Kangaroo Tests 2019 in Xavier de Bolós Palomino and in Pol Martí Cárdenas of 2nd and 3rd ESO, respectively, are among the top twelve classified in a total of almost one hundred and twenty five thousand students presented to the tests.

On the other hand, apart from these two special mentions, we have the following results:

Students who have stayed between the best 1% among all the candidates presented:

1st ESO: Joan Cantal Massaguer and Joaquim Font Costa.

2nd year of ESO: Guillem Manresa Martori.

3rd ESO: Aleix Dilmé Riera and Gerard Molina Collell.

4th ESO: Manel Paredes Jaime.

Students who have stayed between 6% better than among all the candidates presented:

1st ESO: Albert Castro Granolleras, Àlex Gauchia de Rosa, Marc Parra Arbós, Jordi Solé Lanzas and Alexandros Tsiplakos Llistosella.

2nd year of ESO: Haokang Chen Navas and Roger Munsó Giró.

3rd ESO: Arnau Busquet Bassà, Oriol Condom Navas, Pere Portavella Sariola and Miquel Pou Tuset.

4th ESO: Enric Campmajó Bonet, Joan Ruiz Solé and Pau Serrat Artigas.

1st BAT: Edgar R. Kayumov, Marc Sala Morales, Arnau Sánchez Cudinach and Pol Soria Quintana.

2nd BAT: Miquel Puig Turón i Pol Ros Domènech.

Congratulations to all students for these great results!