
Holiday of Álvaro del Portillo

2 May, 2019

On the occasion of the celebration of Àlvar del Portillo, successor of St. Josemaría as the head of Opus Dei, we are promoting a solidarity project around May 12. This year, the campaign is part of a collection of funds for Open Arms.

[button type=”default” color_type=”0″ color=”btn-danger” text=”More campaign information (in catalan)” link=”https://www.bell-lloc.org/ca/noticies/shackleton-i-open-arms-una-alianca-solidaria” new_tab=”1″ different_values=”0″]
[button type=”default” color_type=”0″ color=”btn-danger” text=”ES92 2100 0002 5802 0180 1860″ new_tab=”0″ style_margin_left=”10″ style_margin_top=”10″ different_values=”0″]