Confirmation in the school’s Oratory
26 October, 2022
On Sunday, October 23rd, thirty-nine students – most of them in 4th grade – received the sacrament of Confirmation in the school’s Oratory.
These students had to be confirmed last May. Unfortunately, the death of our bishop Mons. Francesc Pardo, obliged to postpone the celebration.
Exceptionally, Mn. Jordi Font i Plana, delegate with functions of Episcopal Vicar, presided over the ceremony accompanied by Mn. Josep Maria Camprubí, parish priest of the parish of Santa Eugenia de Ter. With the oratory and annex hall filled to the brim, those confirmed renewed their Baptismal promises and pledged to support the work of the gift of the Holy Spirit that they were to receive. In the homily, Mn. Font explained the significance of the laying on of hands and the anointing with holy chrism, essential signs of the sacrament, and encouraged the students to be consistent in their faith and to discover the personal call of God.
Congratulations to all these students, who have taken a new step on the Christian path, and to their families.