Mateu Llopart Mases, former student of Bell-lloc, in La Nit de Poetes de Girona
21 September, 2022
On Friday, September 16th , the “Nit de Poetes” event was held, organized by “Nit de Poetes” and by the “Friends of UNESCO” in Girona, which is held every year at the beginning of the year.
The poem “On la mort mor”, by Mateu Llopart Mases, Bell-lloc Alumni of the 2021-22 promotion, winner of the Viola Award at the Jocs Florals of the Girona City Council, was read by Professor David Pagés Cassú in “Nit de Poetes”, a celebration that took place this year at the Josep Irla Auditorium in Girona.
This act consists of two well-defined parts. Firstly, the winning students of the Jocs Florals of the corresponding edition read their compositions and, afterwards, there is a reading of poems by prestigious poets.
The second part pays homage to a Girona personality from the world of language and culture. In this year’s edition there was a theatrical performance in homage to the Catalan teacher Iu Bohigas.
On la mort mor
Diu la llegenda
que una ànima consumida
al sol preguntà:
“on comença la vida?”
“Tan sols escolta la remor del
vent: “viure” no es mesura amb
terres ni amb temps
ni amb exèrcits ni guerres.
Tan sols escolta el cant del ocells:
“viure” és més senzill del que et
penses. Fes com nosaltres,
tanca els ulls i bat les ales.
Aquí tens el meu desig:
riu fins a ofegar-te,
plora sempre que et faci falta
i camina fins a cansar-te.
I que quan se t’endugui la
foscor li diguis a la cara
decidida i sense por:
He viscut tot el que la vida em deparava”
Diu la llegenda
que una ànima, alegre,
als quatre vents crida:
“on la mort mor
és on comença la vida!”