Musical stimulation in Infants

6 març, 2018

“ In Bell-lloc we want to give the infants the opportunity to develop  their own  sense of musicality!

In recent years, science has taken an ever growing interest in music and its role in the early years of infancy. 

The information that  neuro-scientific  investigation has provided us with helps us to consolidate musical intervention  at this stage to develop pedagogic strategies.

In the infants’ first years, our objective is to awaken musical sensitivity, based on methodologies that are active and enjoyable and that are being successfully developed at different music schools.

These are methods based on prestigious methodologies elaborated by E. Williams, M. Martenot, J Dalcroze, E. Gordon and B. Bolton (MLT Music Learning Theory).

“Music to Grow” (0-3 years) created by the Musical pedagog Eulàlia Abad.

"MusicaL Stimulation TOT SONA” (3-6 anys) created by the music therapist Damaris Gelabert.

A whole list of fun proposals to enjoy MUSIC and aid in all the developmental areas of the infant.