Pla d'Igualtat

Equality Plan

5 March, 2020

The school has an Equality Plan for Secondary and Baccalaureate, which has been prepared in collaboration with the European Association for Differentiated Education (EASSE).

The plan consists of three annual activities for each course that address aspects related to coexistence, mutual knowledge, equality, respect for diversity and the recognition of the contributions of men and women throughout history. The Equality Plan is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and current legislation and is integrated into the Bell-lloc curriculum, in accordance with the needs and interests of each evolutionary stage, complementing the contents of the B! Character — the Bell-place character formation plan — taught during mentoring. At the same time, we have the “Women of Impact” Lecture Series, with the aim of educating our students in equality between women and men so that they become people with a co-responsible sense of life. The sessions that are contemplated are aimed, in this case, at high school students.

Lastly, the Equality Plan was built through the following areas of work:

  1. Recognize and value the dignity and uniqueness of each person.
  2. Educate to achieve real equality of opportunity, rights and duties.
  3. Educate for male-female co-responsibility.
  4. Educate for coexistence.