Christmas campaign: “Forfait Mama”
29 November, 2019
This year the school's Christmas campaign will support the Ebale - Forfait Mama Project, which plans to send help to pregnant women to cover the expenses derived from their future motherhood.
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Currently, Dr. Antonio Villalonga Morales, from Girona, works at the Monkole Hospital in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In this country of the African continent that has 80 million inhabitants, life expectancy is 56 years and only 28% of the population has access to health.
The Ebale Project, and more specifically, the Forfait Mama program, was created with the aim of improving the gynecological care of women in this African region. Of every 100,000 children born alive, 693 mothers die during childbirth (6 in Spain); In addition, of these 100,000 children born alive, 7,100 die shortly after birth (330 in Spain). These data reflect the socioeconomic context of this country and the difficulties of the population to access basic health services.
All the economic funds destined to the Forfait Mama program will contribute to the health care of pregnant women, so that they have access to basic gynecological services such as ultrasound, medication, delivery assistance, diagnostic tests, etc.
You can provide your donations by delivering them in a sealed envelope to your child’s PEC; On December 15, during the School’s Christmas party, there will also be an informational stand where you can collaborate. The solidarity campaign will end on December 20.
Elementary students have published a solidarity calendar in support of this initiative, with a price of 5 euros. You can order it from this link. Reservations must be made before 10 am on Wednesday, December 4.
[button type=”default” color_type=”0″ color=”btn-danger” text=”infographic” link=”https://www.bell-lloc.org/sites/default/files/fofaitmama-infografia.pdf” new_tab=”1″ different_values=”0″ style_margin_left=”10″ style_margin_right=”10″ style_margin_top=”10″]
[button type=”default” color_type=”0″ color=”btn-danger” text=”General Project Data” link=”https://www.bell-lloc.org/sites/default/files/fofaitmama-projecte.pdf” new_tab=”1″ style_margin_right=”10″ style_margin_top=”10″ different_values=”0″]
[button type=”default” color_type=”0″ color=”btn-danger” text=”Primary solidarity calendar” link=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdE22dXQUNAE6C1Pf9ki3NgLblHc7VfK0r-JvDN5UmzK2OxXw/viewform” new_tab=”1″ style_margin_right=”10″ style_margin_top=”10″ different_values=”0″]